Today in Crazy

Thanks to c u n d gulag for this video:

See also:

Some wingnuts think they found a “gotcha” regarding the Virginia Forcible Rape bill — a Virginia Planned Parenthood does ultrasounds prior to abortions. Of course, the wingnuts make no distinction between abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds, revealing that they just plain don’t get it. They’re also a bit vague on the “consent” thing.

10 thoughts on “Today in Crazy

  1. Some hesitation is beginning to develop in Virginia. Gov. McConnell, who is on many VP lists, might be looking at the larger picture.

  2. I read that action on the Virginia Bill was delayed for the second day. The national attention has the legislature nervous. (Virginia is NOT for Lovers.) While I expect the damn bill will pass, the fact remains that Internet attention seems to have triggered media attention and the attack on women’s rights is becoming all too obvious despite the best efforts to frame this as a Freedom of Religion issue.

  3. Uncledad – I did not know this til today, though I joked something similar.

    From Angry Black Lady Chronicles –

    “In Virginia, state Senator Janet Howell attached a “rectal probe” amendment to the Virginia State-Sanctioned Rape bill. The amendment would have required men to have a rectal exam and a cardiac stress test before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication. (It failed to pass.)”

    It didn’t fail by much, and it’s great to see ABL landed on her feet after a dust-up last month.

  4. Those supporting the ‘procedure’ argue that it is no different than intercourse. Would they then ‘support’ rape – it’s no different than intercourse being their argument. How about incest?

    Good one, uncledad.

  5. … the wingnuts make no distinction between abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds, revealing that they just plain don’t get it. They’re also a big vague on the “consent” thing.

    Doesn’t matter; they’re not even trying to convince anyone but themselves.

  6. Thanks for the link – it’s also amazing how few people seem to bother with researching these issues. (Really disturbing, too – HA! WE HAZ STUFF TO SAY LIBERALZ IZ WRONG! HU CAREZ IF ITS RITE?)

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