Bobo Shills for Mittens

[Please don’t forget the FUNDRAISER. I’m really in a hole right now. All help appreciated.]

Today the very serious David Brooks tells us that Mitt Romney is the Serious Candidate because he intends to get serious about entitlement reform, i.e., tossing the old folks out to fend for themselves. Even more alarming, Bobo calls Mittens’s entitlement reform proposal bold, which is rightie speak for “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.

It appears the GOP establishment finally has resigned itself to going all out for Mittens to be the nominee. Jennifer Rubin also called Romney “bold” for his very serious proposals that he culled from what all the other Republicans are proposing and stuffed into voter-friendlier packaging.

For example, he basically has adopted the Paul Ryan Medicare voucher plan, but he boldly fudged his bets by promising that people could stay on the old program if they want. Oh, and he left out nagging details about how the size of the vouchers will be determined. . Yes, bold.

But Bobo is seriously shilling. A nun on her first visit to the Sistine Chapel would be challenged to match Bobo for awed reverence.

The word “serious,” when coming from a Republican, is never good. “Serious” in foreign policy is a willingness to nuke any nation that doesn’t invite us to its birthday parties, for example. “Serious” domestic policy means allowing Exxon to design our energy programs. Beware.

As an antidote, I give you Charles Pierce:

On Friday, Mitt Romney, the Republican frontrunner and a man who could be mugged for his wallet through the mail, and a man of such iron will that he wrote a book called No Apologies in which he changed positions on several issues between the hardcover and paperback editions, went before the Koch Brothers hobby-horse Americans for Prosperity banquet and bravely promised to do everything he could not to do anything he bravely promised to do when he was running in any of the several other political campaigns that have kept him from ever being “a professional politician.” Specifically, he signed on to Paul Ryan’s toss-Grampa-to-the-jackals voucher approach to Medicare. Ryan was thrilled to death. Not his death, of course, but the death of a lot of old people who’ll be thrown onto the market of the single most disgusting industry in America that doesn’t involve deepwater drilling.

“Younger Americans today, when they turn 65, should have a choice between traditional Medicare and other private health care plans that provide at least the same level of benefits. Competition will lower costs and increase the quality of health care,”

Yes, because, in all aspects of our economy, but especially in the health-insurance game, corporate power slavers for the thrill of real competition, because American corporations want a free market where they might have to lower costs and increase the quality of their product, despite the fact that Wall Street will scream bloody fking murder when they do. That’s why we have 300 domestic airlines in the United States now as a result of deregulation.

Thank you, Mitt Romney, GOP frontrunner.

8 thoughts on “Bobo Shills for Mittens

  1. Everyone knew that eventually, Brooks would shill for whomever the powers-that-be pay him to shill for.
    If Romney croaks of a heart attack tonight, Brooks, after writing a eulogy, will be told which way the wind’s blowing, and do his weather report.

    By the way, powers-that-be, stop telling us about this and that and ‘what the market will bear.’
    Our cupboards are bare.
    And you’d better hope people in this country don’t do a little research into that other critical 18th Century Revolution – the French one. I understand that some people really lost their heads in that one!

    I’ll find out tomorrow, maha, whether my unemployment got extended, in which case I’ll send a little something. I’d wish it could be bigger, but we’re also having a tough time making ends meet. But I think that’s a pretty common theme nowadays…

  2. This is why I’m not too concerned about what any of the polls say right now about Obama’s chances of getting reelected. I just don’t see how any Republican nominee, even one as musteline as Mitt Romney, is going to weasel out of having to take some outrageously unpopular positions into the general election.

    Let’s eliminate Medicare and shower even more gigantic tax cuts on the 1%. Let’s do nothing about the economy. In fact, let’s just dismantle the whole government and let our benevolent overlords, the Job Creators, take care of us. How is that going to be a winning message in 2012?

  3. More love from me for Charles Pierce, who makes me laugh through my tears. And for you, maha; I donated what I could.

    OT: this morning as I drove past our teeny-tiny State Capitol Mall in the pissing-down rain, it seemed to me that the OWS tents had multiplied vastly overnight, like blue mushrooms. Our local Powers That Be officially decided to leave the protesters alone, which is uncharacteristically open-minded of them (or perhaps they’re distracted by all those other protesters, against the Pipeline Thingy). Anyway, I felt a sympathetic surge for the cold wet OWSers, whose numbers are growing even as winter sets in.

    I’ve heard the Chinese sometimes curse people with the phrase, “May you live in interesting times,” but some of this euphemistically-interesting stuff is also kind of exciting.

  4. I sense a commercial:
    A castle on a hill, panning to take in the poor huts around the outside of the castle walls. A manly voice intones, “The Job Creators want to help you by giving you a job, but first you must help them, by giving them all your worldly goods.” (Switch to a line of peasants with their tithes). “Vote Republican to save yourself a place in line.”

  5. Barbara, I am really broke. I donated an infinitesimal amount. Wish I could do more, since you are my go-to person for political information and I don’t want you to disappear.

  6. Jen – Include a voice-over with the statement, “The richest 5% in the US has 72% of this wealth of this country. One political party clearly advocates as an economic solution, huge tax cuts for the elite minority who own so much, while at the same time reducing benefits for retired citizens on fixed incomes- and by eliminating programs which are the last barrier between the poor and unemployed and on-the-street homelessness. They need your permission to do it. VOTE.”

  7. Doug,
    Not bad, but a bit complex. Remember that these are people who watch Law and Order and Friday Night Lights. You don’t want to lose them halfway through the message.
    “The richest 5% in the US own 72% of the wealth. Make sure they get to keep it by voting for XXX.”

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